Toutes mes réponses sur les forums
:lol!: :lol!: :lol!:
C’est ce qui m’est arrivé en décembre 09 avec mon portable 😥 J’en ai racheté un autre, compte tenu des frais de réparation exorbitants!
Il faudrait que tu puisses brancher un autre écran pour vérifier 💡
😥 aie 😥 aie 😥 aie la zéaralénone 🙁
Elina wrote:Ah mais bien sûr que l”on a droit à l”erreur ! J”ai dit ça juste pour qu”Hibernia puisse aller lire les infos sur ces croquettes dans l”autre sujet, c”était pas du tout méchant ou agressif de ma part 😳Oh ma copiiiiiiiiine t”as cru que je pensais de toi que tu étais agressive? Toi? La douceur même?
Mais comment 🙄 ai-je :affraid: fait pour te laisser croire que je pensais ça de toi?
Moi qui voulais délirer juste un peu, :lol!: pfffffffffffffffffff :lol!:
Super le titre avec les coussinets :heart:
Oui :sunny: ici on est sur K’T Pat! On a droit à l’erreur, vous voyez ce que je veux dire :lol!:
Allez Bémol, courage+++ Boubkita va vite se rétablir après cette chirurgie, c’est évident :flower:
😯 Non plus Artémis 😀
Oui Kitty :flower: je comprends tes doutes, je les ai eu aussi 😉
Je vais tenter de t”informer plus précisément:
kitty wrote:Sans contester les bienfaits du jus de noni puisque les témoignages sont nombreux et bien réels, ce qui me gêne c”est le manque d”études cliniques et les conséquences à long terme.TNI a construit son propre laboratoire entièrement consacré depuis plus de 14 ans à l’étude et à la découverte de nouvelles utilisations du fruit de l”arbre morinda citrifolia, le noni.
Le TNJ est classé depuis 2003 dans le PDR (Physicians desk reference) aux Etats Unis, édition des compléments alimentaires, équivalent du vidal en France.
Aucun référence du PDR n”y est publiée sans l”objet d”études cliniques certifiées.
kitty wrote:Beaucoup de sites que j”ai visités et qui vantent les mérites du TNJ sont tous des distributeurs !
C”est une bonne nouvelle que tous les distributeurs de TNJ soient aussi enthousiastes, non?
Je te précise que les témoignages des consommateurs, en règle générale, sont toujours très difficiles à obtenir pour une raison qui m”échappe.
Et quand je dis, en général, prenons un autre cas de figure, par exemple, celui de notre forum qui compte 30 membres:
combien de fois ai-je demandé à nos membres de nous communiquer leurs témoignages relatifs à l”alimentation?
Combien ai-je eu de réponses concrète? 3 réponses! Depuis 5 mois: 3 témoignages!
Par ailleurs, pour revenir au TNJ, des consommateurs que je connais personnellement ne veulent pas témoigner non plus, ce qui leur appartient totalement.
kitty wrote:Quant aux différents médecins qui participent aux recherches, comme je suis d”un naturel méfiant, je ne suis pas certaine de leur participation aux dites recherches d”une façon désintéressée ; ce cas de figure se présente dans de nombreux cas, ne serait-ce qu”au travers des croquettes par exemple …. éminents vétérinaires qui siègent au CA des fabricants tels que RC pour ne pas les citer !
Qu”entends-tu par «désintéressée» précisément?
Oui oui, les croquettes tuent nos chats, nos chiens.
Le TNJ les revitalise!
Dans les 2 cas, les témoignages circulent.
kitty wrote:Quant aux brevets, pour moi, cela ne signifie pas que le “produit” (le TNJ ou un autre produit) soit doté de qualités exceptionnelles ; le brevet est juste là pour protéger le fabricant qui découvre que certaines molécules dudit produit peut être doté de certaines propriétés ….. et cela lui évite de se faire “faucher” ses idées par un concurrent.
Oui, irions nous déposer tant de brevets sur un produit sans connaître avec certitude sa valeur?
kitty wrote:Le TNJ a été autorisé sur le marché comme un complément alimentaire. C”est déjà un bon point mais les résultats scientifiques de laboratoires indépendants sur leur efficacité réelle sont pour le moment inexistants.
Le TNJ a été étudié par des centaines d”organisations, y compris des douzaines d’universités et instituts du monde entier, telle que l’Université d’Hambourg en Allemagne.
Des résultats scientifiques existent bien qu”ils ne soient pas TOUS forcément publiés.
1. May lower cholesterol and triglycerides in adult smokers
In this study presented to the American Heart Association, TAHITIAN NONI® Juice was given to 106 adult smokers ranging from 20-60 years in age. After one month of drinking the juice, researchers found that the average cholesterol level of these TAHITIAN NONI® Juice drinkers fell from 235.2 to 190.2. Another group which received a placebo experienced no significant change.
2. A complete review of TAHITIAN NONI® Juice
Noni has been used by Tahitians for thousands of years, but only recently has it become a popular item for mainstream consumers. This popularity has raised several questions about the noni fruit, and in this study Tahitian Noni scientists conduct several tests to verify that the noni fruit and TAHITIAN NONI Juice are, in fact, safe for consumption.
3. Wang, Mian-Ying, Eric Henlye, Jeanette Nolting, Alexandra Cheerva, Jarakae Jensen, Gary Anderson, Diane Nowicki, Stephen Story.
“The Effects of Morinda Citrifolia (Noni) Fruit Juice on Serum Cholesterol and Triglyceride in Current Smokers.” Circulation 113, 301-381 (2006). Available online at
4. Wang, Mian-Ying, Diane Nowicki, Gary Anderson, Alexandra Cheerva, Jarakae Jensen.
“The heart protection study: improvement of lipoprotein profiles in current smokers receiving Morinda citrifolia (Noni) fruit juice.” Circulation 109, 71-144 (2004). Available online at
5. Palu, “Afa Kehaati, Brett Justin West, Jarakae Jensen, Bing-Nan Zhou.
“Morinda citrifolia L. Noni has Cholesterol Lowering Potential. Folk Botanical Wisdom: Towards Global Markets. June 5-9, 2006.
6. West, B.J., C.J. Jensen, L. Westendorf, L.D. White.
“A Safety Review of Noni Juice.” J. Food Sci. 2006. 71:R100-R106. Available online at
7. Wang, Mian-Ying, Gary Anderson, Diane Nowicki, Jarakae Jensen.
“Cardiovascular Disease Prevention with Morinda Citrifolia (Noni) by Improving Lipoprotein Profiles in a Chronic Liver Injury Model Induced by Carbon Tetrachloride in Female SD Rats.” Circulation Vol. 111, 40-88 (2005). Available online at
1. Hirazumi, A., E. Furusawa, S. C. Chou, Y. Hokama.
“Anticancer Activity of Morinda citrifolia (Noni) on Intraperitoneally Implanted Lewis Lung Carcinoma in Syngeneic Mice.” Proc. West. Pharmocol. Soc. 37: 145-146 (1994).
2. Hirazumi, Anne, Eiichi Furusawa.
“An Immunomodulatory Polysaccharaide-Rich Substance from the Fruit Juice of Morinda citrifolia (Noni) with Antitumour Activity.” Phytotherapy Research 13, 380-387 (1999).
3. Furusawa, Eiichi, Anne Hirazumi, Stephen Story, Jarakae Jensen.
“Antitumour Potential of a Polysaccharaide-rich Substance from the Fruit Juice of Morinda citrifolia (Noni) on Sarcoma 180 Ascites Tumour in Mice.” Phytother, Res. 17, 1158-1164 (2003).
4. Wong, Desmond K.W., MD.
“Are Immune Responses Pivotal to Cancer Patient”s long term survival? Two Clinical Case-Study Reports on the Effects of Morinda citrifolia (Noni).” Hawaii Medical Journal, Vol. 63, (June 2004).
5. Liu, Guangming. Ann Bode, Wei-Ya Ma, Shengmin Sang, Chi-Tang Ho, Zigang Dong.
“Two Novel Glycosides from the Fruits of Morinda Citrifolia (Noni) Inhibit AP-1 Transactivation and Cell Transformation in the Mouse Epidermal JB6 Cell Line.” Cancer Research 61, 5749-5756 (2001).
6. Hirazumi, A. E. Furusawa, S.C. Chou, Y. Hokama.
“Immunomodulation Contributes to the Anticancer Activity of Morinda citrifolia (noni) Fruit Juice.” Proc. West. Pharmacol. Soc. 39: 7-9 (3996).
7. Arpornsuwan, Teerakul and Tadsanee Punjanon.
“Tumor Cell-Selective Antiproliferative Effect of the Extract from Morinda citrifolia Fruits.” Phytother. Res. 20:515-517 (2006).
8. Brooks, V.J. J. Xu, J. Cai, S.F. Peek, T. Schriver, R.G. Godbee, R.D Schultz, B.J. Darien.
“Enhanced Mononuclear Phagocytic Activity of Gram-Negative Bacteria in Calves Fed Morinda Cintrifolia (Tahitian
Noni) Puree.”
9. Chjen-Cheng Chen, Dong-Bor Yeh, Shih-Ying Chen.
“Study on the extracts of Morinda citrifolia protection against oxidative damage to human blood cells.” Dept. of Biotechnology and Dept. of Health and Nutrition, Chia Nan University of Pharmacy and Science, Taiwan.
10. J. Xu, A.C. McSloy, B.K. Anderson, R.G. Godbee, S.F. Peek, B.J. Darien.
“Tahitian Noni Equine Essentials: A Novel and Anti-Inflammatory and a COX-2 Inhibitor which Regulates LPS-Induced Inflammatory Mediator Expression in Equine Neonatal
1. Ma, De-lu, Chen X. Su, Jian-hua Gao, Tin-zhong Liu, Brett J. West.
“Evaluation of the Ergogenic Potential of Noni Juice.” Phytother. Res. (in press) (2007).
2. Issell, Brian F., Carolyn C. Gotay, Ian Pagano.
“Quality of Life (QOL) Assessment in a Phase I Trial of Noni.” Official Journal of the International Society for Quality of Life Research, Vol. 14, No. 9 (Nov. 2005). Available online at
3. Thaman, R.R.
“Kiribati Agroforestry: Trees, People and the Atoll Environment.” Atoll Research Bulletin, No. 333 (1990).
4. Zhongguo Linchuang Shiyong Tixue Zazhi.
“Studies on Effects of Tahitian Noni Juice on Postponable Senility.” China Journal of Clinical Practical Medicine, Vol. 2, No. 2 (Feb. 2007).
5. Letter to the Editor.
“Effects of Morinda Citrifolia on Quality of Life and Auditory Function in Postmenopausal Women.” The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, Vol. 10, No. 5, 737-724 (2004). .
6. Palu, “Afa K., Chen Su, Bin-Nan Zhou, Brett West, Shixin Deng, Jarakae Jensen.
“The Inhibitory Effects of Morinda citrifolia L. noni on Phosphodiesterase Enzymes: The Possible Mechanisms for Increasing Energy and Improving Diabetic Conditions.” IV International Conference on Aromatic and Medicinal Plants from French Overseas Regions. Tahiti. July 10-13, 2006.
7. Ying-Mian, Wang, Brett J West, C. Jarakae Jensen, Diane Nowicki, Su Chen, Afa K. Palu, Gary Anderson,
“Morinda citrifolia (Noni): A literature review and recent advances in Noni research.” Act a Pharmacologica Sinica, 1135-1136 (2002).
8. Brett J. West, C. Jarakae Jensen.
Noni juice increases athlete endurance via antioxidant mechanism. Poster # 208. Joint Northwest and Rocky Mountain Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society. June 17, 2008. Park City, Utah, USA.
1. Wang, M.Y., C. SU,
“Cancer Preventive Effect of Morinda citrifolia (Noni).” Annals New York Academy of Sciences.
2. Su, Bao-Ning, Alison d. Pawlus, Hyun-Ah Jung, William J. Keller, Jerry L. McLaughlin, A. Douglas Kinghorn.
“Chemical Constituents of the Fruits of Morinda citrifolia (Noni) and Their Antioxidant Activity.” J. Nat. Prod., 68, 592-595 (2005).
3. Kamiya, Kohei, Toyei Tanaka, Hanani Endang, Mansur Umar, Toshiko Satake.
“Chemical Constituents of Morinda citrifolia Fruits Inhibit Copper-Induced Low-Density Lipoprotein Oxidation.” Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2004.
4. Poster Abstracts. Subsection: Wang, M.Y., S. Su, A.D. Nowicki, J.Jensen, and G. Anderson.
“Morinda citrifolia and Cancer Prevention.” Available online at (p. A23).
5. Wang, M. Y., A. Cheerva, C. Su, J. Jensen, D. Nowicki, G. Anderson, S. Jensen, J. W. Fritz.
“Protective Effects of Morinda citrifolia (Noni) on Plasma SAR and LPO in Current Smokers.” XI Biennial Meeting of the Society for Free Radical Research International, 2002. A summary of this study is available online at (p. 1136).
6. Zin, Z. Mohd, A. Abdul Hamid, A. Osman, N. Saari,
“Antioxidative activities of chromatographic fractions obtained from root, fruit, and leaf of Mengkudu (Morinda citrafolia L.).” Food Chemistry 94, 169-178 (2006).
7. Ying-Mian, Wang, Brett J. West, C. Jarakae Jensen, Diane Nowicki, Su Chen, Afa K. Palu, Gary Anderson,
“Morinda citrifolia (Noni): A literature review and recent advances in Noni research.” Acta Pharmacologica Sinica, 1135-1136 (2002).
8. Wang, Mian-Ying, Eric Henley, Lin Peng, Vicki Weidenbacher-Hoper, Joella Warner, Nawal Lutfiyya, Gary Anderson.
“Morinda citrifolia Reduces Cancer Risk in Current Smokers.” AACR-JCA Joint International Conference (January 21-25, 2007). Available online here.
9. Zin, Z. Mohd.
“Isolation and Identification of Antioxidative Compound from Fruit of Mengkudu (Morinda citrifolia).” International Journal of Food Properties, Vol. 10, 363-373 (2007).
10. S. Vimala & Mohd. Illham Adenan.
“Malaysian Tropical Forest Medicinal Plants: A Source of Natural Antioxidants.” Journal of Tropical Forest Products 5(1): 32-38 (1999).
11. Park, YK, E. Park, Kim JS, Kang MH.
“Daily grape juice consumption reduces oxidative DNA damage and plasma free radical levels in healthy Koreans.” Mutat. Res. 529 (1-2): 103 (Feb 2004).
12. O”Byrne, Dawn J., Sridevi Devaraj, Scott M. Grundy, and Ishwarlal Jialal.
“Comparison of the antioxidant effects of Concord grape juice favonoids and a-tocopherol on markers of oxidative stress in healthy adults.” Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 76: 1367-74 (2002).
13. Prior, R.L., Gu L., Wu X., Jacob R. A., Sotoudeh G., Kader A.A., Cook, R. A.
“Plasma antioxidant capacity changes following a meal as a measure of the ability of a food to alter in vivo antioxidant status.” J. Am. Coll. Nutr. 26(2): 170-81 (2007).
14. Harada, Shinichi. Wakako Harnabe, Kohei Kamiya, Toshiko Stake, Shogo Tokuyama.
“The preventive effect of the juice of Morinda citrifolia against the ischemic brain injury.” Journal of Pharmacological Sciences, Vol. 103, Supp. 1:228P (2007).
15. Palu, Afa Kehaati.
“Tahitian Noni Juice: Its Antioxidant Capacity is Only a Part of the Repertoires of its Scientifically Proven Health Benefits.” Tahitian Noni International Research Center, American Fork, Utah 2004.
16. Brett J. West, C. Jarakae Jensen.
Noni juice increases athlete endurance via antioxidant mechanism. Poster # 208. Joint Northwest and Rocky Mountain Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society. June 17, 2008. Park City, Utah, USA.
1. A complete review of TAHITIAN NONI® Juice
Noni has been used for thousands of years, but only recently has it become a popular item for mainstream consumers. This popularity has raised several questions about the noni fruit, and in this study Tahitian Noni scientists conduct several tests to verify that the noni fruit and TAHITIAN NONI Juice are, in fact, safe for consumption.
2. Palu, “AK, Santiago, RA, West, BJ, et al.
The Effects of Morinda citrifolia L. Noni on High Blood Pressure: A Mechanistic Investigation and Case Study. American Chemical Society Symposia Series (In press).
3. Wang, M-Y, Nowicki, D, Anderson, G.
The Heart Protection Study: Improvement of Lipoprotein Profiles in Current Smokers Receiving Morinda citrifolia (Noni) Fruit Juice. 2004. Circulation, J Am Heart Assoc, 109: 71—144 (Abs #P93). Available online at
4. West BJ, Jensen CJ, Westendorf J, and White LD.
A Safety Review of Noni Fruit Juice. Journal of Food Science 2006 October; 71 ( 8 ) : R100-R106. Available online at
5. Kamiya K, Tanaka Y, Endang H, Umar M, Satake T.
Chemical constituents of Morinda citrifolia fruits inhibit copper-induced low-density lipoprotein oxidation. J Agric Food Chem. 2004 Sep 22; 52(19): 5843-8.
6. Ayanbule F, Wang MY, Peng L, Nowicki J, Anderson G, Nowicki D.
Antithrombotic Effect of Morinda citrifolia (Noni) Fruit Juice on the Jugular Vein Thrombosis Induced by Ferric Chloride in Male Adult SD Rats. Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol. 2006; 26; e104.
1. Improves athlete endurance
This study by Tahitian Noni scientists shows people who drink TAHITIAN NONI® Juice experience a 21% increase in athletic performance, due to high antioxidant activity. Juice drinkers were able to run longer, faster and with more endurance than those who did not drink TAHITIAN NONI® Juice.
*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.